
Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

… I parked my car in the beginning of a gravel road where the marked trail for the hut begins. I tried to squeeze everything in my little backpack but it wont fit, so I took out one polar, raincoat and stuck in the outer pockets one jacket,  my tripod and one bottle of water. Till I prepare two climbers and another group with few men around 60 went up. The road was climbing up through the woods.The trees cast shadows and it was nicely cool. Prefect for ascend. From time to time there was a nice view towards the slopes starting from the other side of the valley.

After about an hour and a half I reached a meadow, from which was starting the hut supplying lift. There was a splendid view to the peaks surrounding it from all sides.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

I found a fountain and filled my bottle with water. From here the hut was visible. It seemed that it is just at an arm distance.

After the meadow the road continued up, now it was a trail. It continued through a thinning pines and after very steep climb under the scorching sun, which fortunately was not very long, became flat and continued winding under the rocky peaks. After 15 minutes I was in the hut. The climbers already had climbed 30 meters up a vertical rock wall. And I sit on a table with view towards the meadow, through which I passed and take out my food. I carried my own food because it is way too expensive for me to eat all the time in huts. One meal costs 10 – 15 euros. Paying 20 euros for accommodation was quite enough.

After the meal I felt so lazy, so I took out a book and sat under the sun. The book was about some dragons and with the view around it was quite easy to imagine that thy will attack just now. After few hours around 5:30 I stood up grab a jacket and the tripod and set off for Scalini pass.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

I made few photos on the trail to the pass. It was quite interesting, but with lower sun would be better.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

And another vertical shot in the opposite direction.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

The sun started fast to set while I was shooting here and there, and the pass appeared to be more far than I expected.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

I reached the pass almost with the last sun rays. The view from the other side was fearful. How one can get down from here?

Scalini Pass, Alps, Italy

Unfortunately I was wrong and there was nothing lit by the sun that can be seen on the other side. That’s why I rushed back to a place from where there was nice view to the peaks in Slovenia.

Scalini Pass, Alps, Italy

Little after sunset everything became purple.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

Then the full moon rose.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

The scenery around was unearthly.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

A little bit before it got dark I set off for the hut. The full moon was lighting my was and the head light was of no use. After I got back I was tempted to try a local dish, potatoes with cheese and butter, fried. After that I silently go into my sleeping bag so I do not wake two Czech guys that I shared room with.

In the morning, half an hour before sunrise I drew out of bed to shoot around the hut.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

In the sky there were no clouds at all, and in the valley thin mists spread.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

I came back to the hut, pack my stuff and started my trip down. At the meadow I made some more photos. Clouds have appeared and the peaks from time to time were hiding in them.

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

Near Corsi Hut, Alps, Italy

After an hour and a half I was to the car, and off to my next stop – Misurina

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